Wednesday, February 25, 2009


These are elepits. Elepits are created by placing a sock on the nose of a pit bull, thus creating the illusion of an elephant, er elepit. The first picture is Gracie, the elepit. The second picture is Gus the elepit.

The socks do not have to be clean, since pit bulls in their natural state delight in all manner of stinkyness. No pit bulls or socks were harmed in the creation of elepits.


  1. hahaha - what an image to get me started this morning. (Extra biscuits for those two goggies!)

  2. You ARE nuts. From your loving sister.

  3. Hey!! As long you're having fun, I say. P.S. Your kid sounds just like you.

  4. We found your post from Suzanne's page. We love the work you do. Suzanne was were we got Louie from. He is deaf and his sister was Baby Love Suzanne's red heeler that has gone over the rainbow bridge.. We are so thankful to Suzanne for Louie. Her and Steve are wonderful people and they make awesome bbq!!

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  5. Gus, Louie, and Callie I follow your blog. Love the 3 Happy Heelers.

  6. Oh Dear! It that what we are called when mom gets goofy! I hav been one myself too. *sigh*

  7. Just fyi, cats hate having socks put on their faces...
