Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Graduate Number Three

If you have read much of this blog, you know that I enjoy taking my dogs to agility classes.

I am proud to announce that dog number three is now a Beginner Agility Graduate. I have pictures and a certificate to prove it!!

Bill waiting to do agility

Always up for a treat! Thanks, Terri!

Sailing through the tire.

Over the broad jump.

Coming out of the tunnel.


Bill's good friend, Bebe.

3 on, 1 off?

Dogwalk. What a brave little guy!

Flying through the weave poles. Looks like all of his feet are off the ground.

2 on 2 off, just like it is supposed to be!


Proof of Graduation!

In the absence of my usual photographer (who was working so that these dogs can go to agility classes), I would like to thank the very capable, Mike McIlraith, for dealing with my temperamental camera and taking such outstanding photos. Mike was attending graduation with his outstanding wife, Terri, of team Terri and Sami

By the way, if it looks like winter in these pictures, let me assure you it was a very cold and windy day on a hilltop on the North Texas prairie!! Brrrr!!

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