Thursday, May 14, 2009

We ARE Swimmers!!!





DaisyDog questions whether they were enjoying themselves. Actually they were. Gracie especially loved the water. She would have liked it better if her leash was longer so she didn't have to wait on the human to  keep up with her. Gracie also loves to play in the water that comes out of the water hose - Gus not so much. Gus went in willingly, but didn't seem to like it as much as Gracie. No dog was forced into swimming. We plan to give them more swimming opportunities this summer with longer leashes. 


  1. Hey Gus and Gracie, are you sure you are enjoying yourself? Hmmmmmm

  2. I likes to swim too. But I am not allowed to without a big orange jacket. Mummy sez I am not a good swimmer. She sez I take everybuddy down with me when I am sinking I mean swimming.

    Yer pal Dozer
